If love be rough with you, be rough with love.

Monday 4 April 2011

Act 1

Poor Romeo, the lady Rosaline loves him not, and he says he can love no other. His heart was broke and he can hardly stand. I couldn’t bear to see a friend so down. Benvolio and I needed to lead his eyes to another girl, and show him love can be found.  To show him that he need not dream to find a wondrous girl, for dreams are the children of an idle brain. I know much of dreams, and their cruel lies. I’ve known Romeo for a long time, and I know he deserves a true love.
 As it so happens we knew of a party, a Capulet gathering, where poor Romeo could laugh and dance his troubles away. Laughter is good for the damaged heart you see. The dance would be full of girls, no doubt, and maybe even a new Rosaline. I hope she will be a nice lady; I truly do, for I hear the last Rosaline was a witch, yet poor Romeo fell right into her trap and couldn’t escape. Love was tough on his tender soul, ‘tis a shame he never saw it. If I asked him right now, he might say she’s an angel. O how love doth blind the lovers to the ugly truth. Love is rough and cruel to those who fall back with ease. We went tonight, though the three of us are but Montagues, and got in with no trouble. Now the party is over and when next I see Romeo, I shall expect a smile on his face and a glow in his heart.


  1. Blah blah blah
    Romeo Romeo Romeo
    love love love
    blah blah blah.

    Your wish came true, jerk. He found a new Rosaline. My wife-to-be!
    Tell your friend over there that Juliet is mine. I have already sealed the deal with her parents.

    Haha. ;D


  2. yo yo . good thing you convinces rome rome to go to the partaayy because it was jammin'. Go again sometime we can hit up te clubz.

  3. Sealing the deal makes no difference if Juliet is in love with me. She does have a say in who she weds. Mercutio my dear broseph. Rosaline is old news. Juliet is my tru love. Thanmks for being there bra.

  4. If I had known that you brought my Romeo to a Capulet party, I would have marched in there and bring him back home. You guys have no reasoon to be there, we are enemies.

  5. Romeo obviously has girl issues. He should give up, he's just meant to be single forever if he aims to chase down girls out of his league.

  6. First of all, love DOESN'T exist! If you live your life like that, you'll endure plenty of suffering. Not that I would care. YOu and Romeo are Montagues and I want you to suffer!! And second of all, yOu won't get to see the smile on ROmeos face because I'm going to make sure he is dead before that.

  7. I am sure when next you see Romeo, he will be bearing a smile across his face, for I have witnessed that as of this night of the party, he has indeed found himself a star that shines brighter in his eyes than that of Rosalind.
